Daily Needs Services

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47 services found.

Narcotics Anonymous Greater Orlando

This group is a nonprofit fellowship. They are people who have had to deal with addiction. They meet regularly to help each other stay clean. They are not interested in what or how much you used, but only in what you want to do about your problem.

Please call 407.425.5157 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.

24 Hour Hotline: 407.425.5157
Florida Relay for the Deaf: 800.955.8771

Orlando Union Rescue Mission - Emergency Shelter

Orlando Union Rescue Mission provides Emergency Shelter. Men living on the street in need of safe shelter are welcomed to the Mission’s Emergency program for seven free nights. After this time a $6 dormitory fee is requested. Call for more information.

Each guest receives the following services:

  • Christian Mentoring
  • Clean Clothing
  • Hot Showers
  • Nightly Bible Studies
  • Nutritious Meals
  • Safe Shelter

    Osceola Council on Aging - Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP)

    Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program helps low-income households with financial assistance to pay heating and cooling bills.

    There are three categories of LIHEAP assistance:

    • Crisis Assistance – Helps eligible households in immediate danger of losing or has lost access to home energy.
    • Home Energy Assistance – Helps eligible households in meeting the cost of home energy. An emergency or crisis is not eligible for this category of assistance. If you have received home energy assistance in the last 12 months, you are not eligible.
    • Weather Related Assistance – This is utilized upon declaration or order by the Department of Community Affairs, Governor or President that a crisis or emergency exists due to weather related conditions.


    • Criteria for vulnerable population: 60 years of age or older, Disabled, Families with children age 5 years old and under

    Senior Resource Alliance - Florida Department of Elder Affairs

    The Senior Resource Alliance is a resource center. It helps find resources on both a state and federal level. These resources are for senior citizens. They are also for their caregivers and families.

    Please call 407.514.1800 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.

    Elder Helpline: 1.800.963.5337

    Resources Include:

    • Caregiving
    • Food
    • Housing
    • Medicare
    • Utilities