Healthcare Services

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58 services found.

Florida KidCare-HealthyKids

The state of Florida offers health insurance for children from birth through age 18, even if one or both parents are working. It includes four different parts.

Some of the services Florida KidCare covers are:

  • Check-ups and shots
  • Dental
  • Doctor visits
  • Emergencies
  • Hospital
  • Mental health
  • Prescriptions
  • Surgery
  • Vision and hearing

Health Care Center for the Homeless - Primary Medical Care

Health Care Center for the Homeless provides Primary Medical Care. Homeless are able to receive care for chronic illnesses, and other medical health screenings. They also offer a Mammography Program. This will provide free screening mammograms for female patients who are over the age for forty and have had a hard time getting this service. Call for more information.