Jobs Services

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37 services found.

Job Seeker Services – Employ Florida Marketplace - Palm Beach

Employ Florida Marketplace connects job seekers and employers. It has links to job training and education. Contact for more information or see website.

For Job Seekers

  • Create a resume
  • Research career and wage information
  • Find training programs
  • Conduct and save job searches
  • Receive automatic job notifications
  • Connect to local workforce experts

For Businesses

  • Post and manage job openings
  • Search candidates by skills, experience or region
  • Research labor market information
  • Learn about training grant opportunities
  • Connect to local workforce experts

Additional Locations
1085 South Main Street
Belle Glade, FL 33430
Phone: 561.829.2040

PACE Day Program - Pace Center for Girls, Inc.

This group offers a day program. The program is year-round. Teachers help middle and high school students with education. Counselors help with support, life skills training, and career preparation. They offer help at home, as well as at schools and within the local community. The services are tailored for each girl. This program is free. Please call or visit the website for locations and more information.