Baby Supplies-Solve of West Pasco
This agency helps expectant mothers and their families. They provide diapers, baby food, clothing and car seats. They refer the mothers for food, help with rent and utilities and other everyday needs.
This agency helps expectant mothers and their families. They provide diapers, baby food, clothing and car seats. They refer the mothers for food, help with rent and utilities and other everyday needs.
The Red Cross provides disaster relief and recovery. They can help with finding open shelters and loved ones after a disaster. They can help with getting back to a normal life. They can help with being prepared for emergencies. They also have many other services.
Please call or go to the website to learn more.
To find the office nearest you, go HERE.
This ministry offers temporary help to the unemployed, families on fixed income and the homeless. They provide emergency food. They have clothing available.
Please call the church for times.
This agency provides food, furniture, clothing and household items. They may provide financial assistance for electric and water if they are being shut off. They can help with certain prescriptions.
Hours of operation: Monday and Friday 9:00AM-3:00PM, Wednesday 9:00AM-12:00noon
Closed Thursday
This agency runs several youth crisis shelters. They provide residential group care. The help is for youth between the ages of 10 and 17. These youth are runaways, homeless, or have been kicked or locked out by their parents or guardians. They may need short-term respite or crisis placement. They may also need emergency shelter due to abuse or neglect. There is no cost to families.
Please call or visit the website for locations and more information.