Clothing Services

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2 services found.

Putnam Christian Service Center

The Putnam Christian Service Center is known as PCSC for short. The center helps residents from all areas of Putnam County who are in a crisis situation. The help given is meant to help the client to avoid or overcome a crisis. Those who get help must be able to show that they can maintain their bills without further help. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Services Available:

Putnam County Re-entry Program

The Putnam County Re-entry Program is a faith-based organization. The group helps ex-offenders. They help them by providing the tools needed to re-enter society as a thriving and self-sufficient member. Acts as a resource hub. And works with clients side by side to make sure all needs for a successful transition are met. There are a variety of services available. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Service Include: