Housing Services

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28 services found.

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) - Northeast Florida Community Action Agency

This program is called LIHEAP for short. It helps low-income households. The help is with immediate and emergency home energy needs. Any payments are made directly to the utility company. There is an automated appointment line. The line is available 24/7. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Automated Appointment Line: 904.362.8052

Putnam Christian Service Center

The Putnam Christian Service Center is known as PCSC for short. The center helps residents from all areas of Putnam County who are in a crisis situation. The help given is meant to help the client to avoid or overcome a crisis. Those who get help must be able to show that they can maintain their bills without further help. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Services Available:

Putnam County Re-entry Program

The Putnam County Re-entry Program is a faith-based organization that helps ex-offenders return to society. They provide the tools and support needed for individuals to become self-sufficient and successful. The program acts as a resource hub and works closely with clients to meet all their needs during this transition. A range of services is available to assist with this process. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Service Include:

R.L. Simmons House

The R.L. Simmons House is a safe haven that provides temporary shelter for women and children who are homeless or victims of domestic violence. The organization supports healing and growth, helping residents work towards stability. Please call or visit the website for more information.