Health Services

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29 services found.

Florida Kidcare

Florida Kidcare has low cost health insurance for children aged birth - 18 years. Please call or visit the website to learn more information.

Programs Include:
Healthy Kids
Children's Medical Services Health Plan

Florida KidCare -HealthyKids

The state offers health insurance for children. From birth through age 18. It is free to apply. Enrollment is year-round. Each child is matched with the best fit of four Florida KidCare programs. Cost options include free, subsidized, and full-pay. These options are based on family income. And size of the household. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Healthcare - West Florida AHEC

It is a public health nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve the health of the underserved. The staff members help people with their basic health needs and train health professionals and students to improve their care for patients. For more information, please call or visit their website.

Services Include:

  • Tobacco Cessation & Training
  • Conference Management
  • Continuing Education
  • Healthcare Marketplace Assistance
  • Webinar Hosting
  • CPR Classes