Prescription Services

You are searching for Prescription Services

9 services found.

Hawthorne Patient Assistance Fund - National Kidney Foundation of Florida, Inc.

The NFK offers the Hawthorne Patient Assistance Fund. It offers short-term financial help. Help is for qualified kidney transplant recipients. And is to help meet the cost of kidney transplant related medications. While the patient looks for other long-term solutions. The money is paid directly to the pharmacy of the patient’s choice. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Toll Free: 800.927.9659

Medicine Assistance Tool-PhRMA

PPA helps people find programs to help pay for medications. More than 2500 brand name and generic drugs are covered. Many of them are free or low-cost. Finding out if you qualify is quick and easy. The call center accepts calls in about 150 languages. Please call for more information.

Toll Free: 1.888.477.2669

St. Martha Catholic Church - Caritas of St. Martha's

Caritas is a cooperative effort of several churches in downtown Sarasota. Churches vary based on schedule. They provide emergency assistance. Help is for those in acute financial need. Resources are limited. Contact for more information. The Center
Caritas has provided:

  • Assistance with utilities
  • Clothing
  • Food items from the Caritas Pantry
  • Help with transportation
  • Medicine

First United Methodist Church

St. Martha Catholic Church

Church of the Redeemer

First Baptist Church
First Presbyterian Church USA
(on Thursdays the above Churches alternate weeks)

St. Martha Catholic Church

Hours: 9am to 11am