Family Assistance Services

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80 services found.

Head Start - Suwannee Valley Community Coordinated Child Care

SV4Cs is in charge of the Head Start program. This program is a bridge between families and their community. It is designed to serve children ages 3 to 5. The 10-month program closely follows local school calendars. Head Start provides comprehensive early childhood education and parent involvement services. As well as health and nutrition services. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Healthy Start Program - Healthy Start of Central & North Florida Coalitions

The Healthy Start Program is a home visiting program. They help mothers through pregnancy and after the baby is born. It is free to pregnant women and infants. Healthy Start helps families with children up to age 3 who are at-risk or need help with their development. They focus on pregnancy, breastfeeding, and newborn care. Please call 877.678.WELL or go to the website to learn more.

Healthy Start Program - Suwannee County Health Department

This program is for pregnant women and new mothers. All services are free. It is for any pregnant woman or baby from birth to age 3. The goal is to ensure a healthy birth for each baby and early health screenings for both mother and baby. Community agencies may refer clients. Women may also apply by themselves. Please see the website for more information.

Services Include: