A Safe Haven For Newborns-The Gloria M. Silverio Foundation
Safe Haven for Newborns is here to help pregnant women of all ages. The group offers a variety of services.
Safe Haven for Newborns is here to help pregnant women of all ages. The group offers a variety of services.
The Florida Abuse Hotline accepts reports 24 hours a day. Anyone who suspects that a child or vulnerable adult is abused or neglected needs to make a report. You can report online, by phone or by fax.
Abuse Hotline: 800.962.2873
Florida Relay Services: dial 711 or TTY: 800.955.8771
Si usted habla español y desea divulgar abuso, llame por favor el teléfono directo en 800-962-2873 para hablar con un consejero de habla hispana.
APD serves those with developmental disabilities and their families. They partner with the local community and private providers to address their needs. APD's goal is to help their clients live, learn and work in their own communities. Please call or visit the website to learn more.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings
Daily listing of times and locations for cities of:
This support group is for people dealing with problems related to alcoholism. There are also meetings for those who have substance abuse issues. Please call or see the
website for a meeting place in your area.
The Apalachee Center helps people and families of North Florida. They help people recover from emotional and substance abuse crises.
Please call or visit the website for more info.
Their services include:
This group provides a range of services that help with Alzheimer’s and other memory diseases. The main goal of the group is to help caregivers keep a healthy quality of life. All services are for free. Please call 850.386.2778 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.
Services Include:
This program offers child protection services. They can also work with other agencies to meet your needs. Please call or visit the website for locations and for more information.
Services Include:
This group offers support services for children and families. It provides child advocacy. It also provides mental health services. The help builds resiliency so that clients can achieve stability, safety, and well-being. Please call or visit the website for more information.
Programs & Services:
FSU Psychology Clinic offers help for common problems with a therapist.
No Emergency or Walk-in Appointments