School Readiness Program - Early Learning Coalition of Hillsborough County

This group offers the School Readiness program. It helps with the cost of childcare through a partial scholarship. This scholarship pays for a portion of the childcare costs. There are eligibility requirements that must be met to qualify. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Service Location

6302 E Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Suite 100
Tampa, FL 33619
United States



This agency and its partners work to make sure that every child has all the tools to succeed in school. They target children under the age of 5 to make sure they are where they should be physically, mentally and developmentally. Parents have access to resources and referrals. They can get help with child care costs. They can get help finding quality child care services.

Please see the website for details.


6302 E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Suite 100
Tampa, FL 33619
United States
