This agency works to reduce the causes of poverty. They offer a variety of programs and services. The programs and services will help people become self-sufficient. There is also short-term financial assistance available. The assistance depends on the need of the applicant. Please call or visit the website for more information.
Programs & Services Include:
- Cremation/Burial Assistance
- Emergency Services
- Information and Referral
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
- Medical/Dental Payment Assistance
- Mortgage/Rental Assistance
- Prescription Assistance
- Self-Sufficiency Program
415 Stone Street
Cocoa, FL 32922
United States

This department is a partnership of services. It operates under the county community services group. It also operates under the board of county commissioners. This group identifies and addresses community needs. These include health and social needs. They also include housing needs. The group offers a variety of programs to meet these needs.
Programs & Services Include:
- Community Action Agency
- Emergency Rental Assistance Program 2 (ERAP 2)
- Fair Housing Program
- Neighborhood Stabilization Program
- Purchase Assistance Program
- Replace, Rehab, and Repair Program
- Weatherization Program
2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way
Viera, FL 32940
United States