Purpose One:27

PurposeOne:27 is a group of women who came together in 2017 to answer the call of God to respond to the foster care crisis that exists in our community. The need for more foster homes is urgent, but often overlooked. We believe that responding to the needs of the children in foster care, especially those right here in our own county, is a purpose worth acting on.

Our ministry to foster families and children is founded on James 1:27 which says, “Pure and undefiled religion before God is to care for orphans and widows in their time of need and to keep oneself from being corrupted by the world.” We wanted to support our local foster families and we knew they needed community support, but there was not an organized way to administer help. PurposeOne:27 is changing that! Now, there IS a way for the community to get help to our local families whether through volunteering, financial donations, prayer, or in-kind services.



Over the past two years we have ministered to foster families in Walton County through:
234 meals served.
27 families assisted with supplies such as backpacks, clothes, car seats, strollers, and school supplies.
16 respite events allowing parents to drop kids off for some organized fun while they have alone time to do whatever they need.
Over $4,000 in gift cards to help offset the costs of taking in children who often come with nothing.
Numerous meals and pedicures to local foster parents through our business partnerships.
Countless prayers, encouraging phone calls and texts to foster families.
Monthly support group meetings held in Walton County so foster parents no longer have to travel to another county for education and support.


Source URL: https://rightservicefl.org/node/22024