Daily Needs Services

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890 services found.

"Career Closet"

Career Closet clothing is available for women returning to work. They provide clothing for job interviews. They also provide clothing for the first week on the job.

Clothing is available Monday to Thursday, 9:00am - 3:00pm.

Identification is required.

211 - United Way - Duval County (Jacksonville)

United Way 211 provides information and referral for social services in your area. Trained telephone counselors are always available. They will help you find the agency or resource you need.

Dial 2-1-1 To Get Information On:

  • 24-hour Suicide and Crisis Intervention and Prevention
  • Adult, Child and Family Services
  • Child/Adolescent/Adult Mental Health and Substance Abuse
  • Emergency Financial Assistance
  • Food, Shelter and Clothing
  • HIV/AIDS Information and Testing
  • Medical Needs and Assistance
  • Support Groups and People with Disabilities
  • Victims of Abuse or Crime