Daily Needs Services

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889 services found.

CROS Indiantown Food Pantry

Clients may go directly to the nearest food pantry to receive emergency food assistance if they have not visited the pantry in the past three months. For persons visiting the food pantries from families of four or less, bring photo identification for the person vising the pantry. For persons of families of five or more, bring photo identification for the person visiting the food pantry and some form of identification for all other family members.

The Indiantown Food Pantry is located at Indiantown Baptist Church at 15364 SW Yalaha Street
Hours: Tuesday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

CROS Lighthouse Food Pantry (Belle Glade)

Clients may go directly to the nearest food pantry to receive emergency food assistance if they have not visited the pantry in the past three months. For persons visiting the food pantries from families of four or less, bring photo identification for the person vising the pantry. For persons of families of five or more, bring photo identification for the person visiting the food pantry and some form of identification for all other family members.

The Lighthouse Food Pantry is located at Community United Methodist Church at 401 SW 1st Street in Belle Glade.

Hours: Tuesday 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Daily Bread - Christian Service Center

The Daily Bread program’s goal is to make sure that no person in Central Florida struggles with hunger. Through Daily Bread...

  • anyone who is hungry can eat for free
  • no questions asked
  • noontime meal welcomes families and individuals six days each week


Locations and Hours:

Downtown Orlando
24 Glenn Lane
Orlando, FL 32804
Monday through Friday: 12:00PM - 1:00PM
Sunday: 11:00AM - 12:00PM

West Orange
300 West Franklin Street
Ocoee, FL 34761
Monday through Saturday: 11:30AM - 12:30PM

Dawn Center - Outreach Support

Dawn Center has an outreach program to help victims of abuse. There are no charges for any services provided. Call for more information.

Nine Core Services:

  • 24-hour Crisis Hotline
  • Emergency Shelter for women and children
  • Assessment referral for resident children
  • Crisis counseling for victims and their children
  • Information and referral services
  • Education and Community Awareness
  • Safety Planning
  • Training for law enforcement and professional
  • Service Management