Daily Needs Services

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892 services found.

Family Safety Program - Children's Advocacy Center of Collier County

Children's Advocacy Center of Collier County provides the Family Safety Program. This program allows for safe managed exchange and supervised visitation of children between parents with a history of, or potential for, domestic violence.

Family Safety Program Provides:

  • Safe, neutral site for regular custody exchanges to spare children from witnessing ongoing strife and further victimization
  • Staggered arrival and departure times
  • On-site security
  • Risk assessments

Please call or visit website for more information.

Family Stability Program - Catholic Charities of Central Florida

The Family Stability Program helps those in need. It is for people who are homeless, or about to be homeless. They must meet certain requirements to qualify. This can vary depending on who needs help and what is available. Please call or go to the website for locations and to learn more.


  • Homeless prevention
  • Rehoming services
  • Family services
  • Financial assistance