Daily Needs Services

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897 services found.

Food Pantry - BEAM

The food pantry serves residents in the Beaches area. Families are asked to schedule appointments for food pick-up. They may come once every 30 days if they need food.

Services are for residents of these Beaches Zip Codes: 32082, 32224, 32233, 32250, 32266

Food Pantry - Central Florida Hope Center

The Hope Center runs a food pantry. They help you make a pretend budget. You are helped with picking out food and staying in that budget. They will also answer questions as they help you. You can choose from many kinds of food. After, they help with "next steps." They can help you find a job, counseling, or planning your next visit.

Please call 407.347.3842 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.

Food Pantry - Christian Sharing Center

We offer one of the largest free food assistance resources in Seminole County. Food is given free to those in need. We partner with U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, The Emergency Food Assistance Program, and Second Harvest Food Bank to ensure a well-balanced grocery cart. The Pantry is open weekly, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Please see the website for more details.