Elderly Services

You are searching for Elderly Services

190 services found.

The Hope Center

The Hope Center is for families and individuals living in and around Osceola County. The Hope Center helps prevent families from becoming homeless. The Hope Center helps with housing for the homeless.

Title III-B, C-1, C-2, IIIE Aging Programs - Suwannee River Economic Council

This group has many services for seniors. This includes meal sites, health support, home delivered meals, homemaker services, and nutrition classes. They have telephone reassurance and transportation services. Caregivers can apply for respite care. Seniors must be 60 years of age or older. Please call 352.490.7055 or go to the website to learn more.

Wheelchair Ramp / Accessibility Construction - CCC

We will construct wheelchair ramps or other accessibility features, for those with demonstrated medical and financial need.

Typical accessibility features we'll build:

  1. Wheelchair ramps
  2. Stairs
  3. Walkways
  4. Handrails
  5. Bathroom grab bars

Please call, text, or email our office and tell us your needs. You may also use our contact form. Our office is staffed Tuesday through Thursday, from 10am to 3pm.