Food Services

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542 services found.

A Place for Grace

They are a Christ-centered non-profit ministry. They provide food. Doors are open to, but not limited to, the low-income, the homeless, and/or seniors in need of clothes, food, and hygiene items.

Some services are Community Outreach Center's House of Prayer, GED Program, Recovery Program/Referrals, Meal Program, and Emergency Relief.

Self Support Services ("Self-Sufficiency"):

Thrift Stores and Donations:

Agape Mission Market Food Pantry

Catholic Charities of Central Florida offers the Agape Mission Markets. They are food pantries. The food assistance available is to help families meet their nutritional needs. This is in order to prevent food insecurity. Clients may receive fresh fruit and vegetables. As well as meat and other food items. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Hours Vary by Location