Family Assistance Services

You are searching for Family Assistance Services

1194 services found.

Temporary Shelter - Family Promise of Jacksonville

Homeless families who come to Family Promise stay at a local congregation for one week. While there, they get three meals a day, case management and other services. They can use laundry facilities, a computer and get phone access at the Family Center. They will also meet with a social worker who will develop a plan of action to get the family on the path to self sufficiency. Please see the website for more information.

The Angelus - Day Program

Residents and other adults attend the Day Program. They take classes in computer skills, home economics, small animal care and gardening. They learn arts and crafts, physical education, and academics. Also, a woodworking shop has been built and is a source of employment to our students.

Hours of operation: 9:00am-3:00pm Monday - Friday

The Compassion House - The Salvation Army of Martin County

The Compassion House is a living facility. It is for homeless women and women with children. They provide a total of 8 bedrooms. Washing machines and dryers are available. They accept women or women with children who don’t have a place to live, provided they meet qualifications.

The mission is to provide the following services:

  • Emergency shelter, food, clothing and counseling for homeless women and women with dependent children
  • Help the women and children create and execute “Life Plans” (Case Plans) with the goal of having their clients achieve self-sufficiency, permanent housing and the ability to get back on their feet so that they can live full productive lives
  • Work diligently with other organizations to provide women and children opportunities for health care, childcare and employment

Call for more information.

The Family Life Center - Social Services for Victims of Abuse

The Family Life Center provides a range of services to victims of abuse.

Services include:

  • 24-Hour Crisis Counseling
  • Emergency and Non-emergency Medical Care
  • Referrals for Legal Aid, Representation, and Court Advocacy
  • Private Counseling
  • Emergency Shelter for women and children in Domestic Violence situations
  • Interpreters for hearing impaired
  • Parenting Classes
  • Budgeting Help
  • Employment Skills
  • Help with obtaining GED
  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Personal Care Items
  • Transportation
  • Translators for important documents

For emergency shelter, please call 386.437.3505

You can also e-mail directly at:

Please call or visit the website for any additional information.