Family Assistance Services

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1192 services found.

Victim Impact Panels (VIP) - MADD

This is an awareness program for offenders convicted of misdemeanor DUI. It consists of a panel of crime victims speaking about how impaired drivers forever changed their lives. The panel presents a unique story to the offender that is often overlooked or cannot be taught by the courts. If you have been court ordered to attend a VIP meeting, please call to find out times and dates.

Victim Services (VINE) - Department of Corrections

This program helps victims of crimes committed by Florida inmates. Through the VINE program, victims can sign up for an automatic notification service. Anyone may call the toll-free number to get an inmate's current location and release date. You may also register to learn when an inmate is released, transferred, escapes or dies. The VINE service is confidential. Please see the website for more information.

Local Number: 850.488.9166
Toll Free: 877.8.VICTIM (877.884.2846)