Family Assistance Services

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1191 services found.

Benefits Connection - Second Harvest

This group has the Benefit Connection Outreach Program. It helps with SNAP applications. They do the interview in person with you instead of over the phone. They can also scan and send your documents to DCF. After, they may continue to offer help with information and referrals. Their services are free of charge. Please call 407.295.1066 or go to the website for locations and to learn more.

Bereavement Services- Gulfside Regional Hospice

GRH offers services to help those cope with the loss of a loved one. They offer support groups that meet weekly in several locations. Counselors offer guidance and support with individual and family counseling. Mending Hearts is a program for children and teens. The Telephone Assurance Program (TAP) offers additional support by phone.

Gulfside holds Community Memorial Services twice a year, in the Spring and Fall. It offers family members a chance to remember loved ones. They are open to all who have experienced a loss.

Birth to Three Program - Achievement Academy

This agency offers the Birth to Three program. It offers early intervention services. These services help make sure a child is on track developmentally. They are for children up to three years of age. The children might be at-risk for developmental delays for a variety of reasons. All services are free for families. Please call or visit the website for more information.

The Program Provides: