Family Assistance Services

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1191 services found.

Boley Centers - Jerry Howe Transitional Housing Program for Homeless Veterans

Provides skills development and support. Helps prepare Veterans to reintegrate into the community. Helps maintain permanent housing of their choice. On-site staff ensure the Veterans access needed:

  • Employment and Training Opportunities
  • Medical and Dental Services
  • Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Treatment
  • Veterans Benefits

Contact for more information.

Boley Centers - Safe Havens

Provides individuals who have been homeless, have a mental illness and often a co-occurring substance abuse disorder as well, with a safe place to live. Staff build relationships and encourage residents to accept treatment and obtain medical care. Once residents are ready for mainstream services, they may choose to enter permanent housing and treatment programs. Contact for more information.

Born Learning - United Way of Northeast Florida

United Way offers workshops as part of the Born Learning program. These workshops help parents explore ways to enhance their child's development. UWNF provides parent education workshops that are simple, fun and interactive. All parents may attend. This includes those who have been court ordered to attend a parenting class. Parents with disabilities and those with low literacy levels may also come. UWNF provides information on the stages of development, nutrition, early literacy and more. Child development topics are also included. All workshops are free. Please see the website for more information.

Please see this website:

Boys and Girls Club - Chasco Middle School-Pasco County

This Club has recreational, educational and arts and crafts activities. They serve youth ages 5 through 18. They have sports activities for leadership development. Tutoring is available during the school year for help with homework. There are programs for teens that help them get jobs. The Clubs are accessible and affordable for everyone. There are Club scholarships for families in need.

Hours of operation: School Year 2:00pm-8:00pm Monday - Friday, Summer 8:00am-6:00pm Monday - Friday

Dade City Location:
Lewis Abraham Lacoochee Club
38749 Pattie Lane
Dade City FL 33523

Bradford County Health Department - Immunizatons

The BCHD offers vaccinations for all ages. They are free to all children through age 18, as Florida law requires immunization for daycare/school. Vaccines prevent serious and/or deadly diseases.

Adult immunizations include Tetanus, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis A & B, Pneumonia and the Influenza vaccine, when available. Adults may pay on a sliding fee scale. For adult pricing, please call 904.964.7732.