Family Assistance Services

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1205 services found.

Immigration Assistance - Redlands Christian Migrant Association

Redlands Christian Migrant Association provides Immigration Help to those in need within the community.

Services include:

  • Legal Screenings and Consultations for Immigration relief
  • Direct Client Assistance
  • Referrals
  • Family Based Petitions
  • DACA Renewals
  • Renewal of Legal Permanent Residence (Green Card)
  • Citizenship
  • Fee Waivers
  • Asylum-credible fear
  • U Visa-victims of crime; helped law enforcement
  • T Visa-victims of trafficking
  • SIJS- unaccompanied minors
  • Cancellation of Removal –in deportation proceedings
  • TPS-temporary protected status
  • VAWA-violence against women act
  • Education/Outreach

Please call or visit website for more information.

Independent Living Program - City of Jacksonville

The city offers an independent living program. The program provides respite care. As well as volunteer support and educational services. The program is for low to moderate income homebound senior citizens and their caregivers. The services prevent premature placement in a nursing home. They also prevent elder abuse and caregiver burnout. There are no fees for these services. Please call or visit the website to learn more.

Independent Living Skills Training - Tampa Lighthouse for the Blind

This is an 8-week course for those who have recently lost part or all their vision. It provides clients with the skills needed to perform daily living tasks independently. The training program gives instruction in several areas including Braille, money handling and phone dialing. Students will learn about handwriting guides, adaptive cooking skills and household cleaning skills.

Please see the website for all services.

Interfaith Emergency Services - Eyeglasses

There are currently two eye glass programs:

Prescription Glasses

A client that needs glasses must have an employment letter from their employer stating the need to have glasses to perform the job. Or, for Children in Marion County. When children need glasses for school, they must have a letter from their school of attendance stating the need. They must also have a parent letter, proper ID, and social security cards for both parent and child.

Reading Glasses

Reading glasses are given away at the office. They have a small reading chart to determine the strength needed for each client.

Call for more information.