Financial Services

You are searching for Financial Services

93 services found.

Hand 2 Hand Program - A Hand Up International

This group has the Hand 2 Hand program. It provides temporary financial relief for those in need. The help depends on the availability of funds. Please call 850.257.5786 or visit the website to learn more.

***Funding For Rent/Utility Bill Assistance Not Currently Available***

Help Can Include:

  • Gas cards
  • Gift cards for clothing and essential products
  • Rent Assistance
  • Utility Bills Assistance

Hillsborough Permanent Supportive Housing Program - Volunteers of America

This program provides housing and supportive services. The help is for homeless individuals and families. Those being helped have been diagnosed with a severe and persistent mental illness. The program will help stabilize and prepare them for a life of independence. Please call or visit the website for more information.


Program Offers:

Homeless Services - Waterfront Rescue Mission

The Mission exists to help make the community a better place. A better place to live, work, and enjoy for everyone. They offer a hand-up to those who are determined to rebuild shattered lives. This is done by using proven, faith-based principles. That transforms lives and combats homelessness, poverty, and addiction. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Homeless Services:

Housing Law - Legal Aid Services of Collier County

Legal Aid Services of Collier County providing Housing Law assistance. They offer a wide range of services designed to assist eligible clients with housing legal issues.

Services include, but not limited:

  • Defending unlawful eviction
  • Foreclosure defense (including mortgages, HOA, reverse mortgage)
  • Assisting Tenants on issues involving security deposits, shut-off of utilities, retention of personal property)
  • Assisting tenants impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Mobile home tenancy issues
  • Unsafe and uninhabitable living conditions Housing discrimination, including accommodations for those with disabilities
  • Senior housing issues (assisted living, nursing homes, eligibility and safety)
  • Issues involving public housing, Section 8, Rural Development Housing, and other forms of subsidized housing

Please call or visit website for more information.

Legal Services and Resources - Disability Rights Florida

Disability Rights Florida provides free legal advocacy and rights protection to people with disabilities. Their attorneys provide aid in some of the following areas:

  • Medicaid eligibility disputes
  • Accessibility discrimination
  • Abuse, neglect, and rights violations
  • Employment discrimination
  • ...and more.

Visit the website below or call the following numbers for more information: