Good Samaritan - Hepatitis C Clinic
This clinic treats those with hepatitis C.
You must pre-qualify for services before being seen.
Please call the office for times.
This clinic treats those with hepatitis C.
You must pre-qualify for services before being seen.
Please call the office for times.
This is a free medical clinic providing services as well as needed medications. It provides non-emergency adult primary care. The doctors treat ailments such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, colds, and more.
Please see the website for all services and how to qualify.
A $5 donation is requested for each visit.
This group runs the Good Samaritan Free Clinic. The clinic offers medical and dental services. It also offers mental healthcare. The help is for uninsured or low-income people. There are eligibility requirements to use the services. Please call or visit the website for more information.
For appointments call: 863.687.8475
Services Include:
GSPHS helps people who have no insurance and have financial needs. They offer physician services and diagnostic testing. They help people get free medication. They do not dispense any narcotic or controlled substances. Please call 941.445.5687 or check their website to learn more.
This program helps people who want to quit tobacco. They offer a group support system to help users quit together. These groups meet online and in person. They offer two group-based programs. Please call 386.462.1551 or 1.866.341.2730 or visit their website to learn more.
This is a group that offers guardianship services for adults who cannot make legal choices for themselves. Please call or visit the website to learn more.
Services Provided:
The Gulf County Health Department provides a range of health services to the community. Some services are free, or based on a sliding scale fee.
This hospital offers comprehensive cancer treatment programs. They include patient care, clinical research, education and cancer control activities. Clinical programs focus on specific organ sites or types of cancer. Each patient gets an individualized plan of care. They have a wide range of support services for both patient and loved ones.
Please see the website for all services.
Toll Free: 1.800.456.3434
Halifax Health provides low cost health insurance coverage. This service is offered to uninsured children from birth through age 18. It is made up of Healthy Kids, MediKids, Children’s Medical Services Network, and Medicaid. Please call for more information.
Hamilton County Health Department offers many health services to the community. Some services are free, while others are based on a sliding scale fee. Please call 386.792.1414 or visit website to learn more.
Services include: