Finding a Job Services

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16 services found.

Brevard 2-1-1

2-1-1 is a free helpline. It links people in need with more than 2,000 health and human service programs. The helpline is open 24 hours per day, seven days a week. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Ways to get help:

  • Call 211
  • Call: 321.632.6688
  • Text Your Zip Code to 898211

Domestic Violence & Human Trafficking (Lucha) Program-Americans for Immigrant Justice

Lucha is for those dealing with domestic violence and human trafficking. There is free legal help for immigrants. You can get healthcare and mental health counseling. They can help with housing, school, and jobs. They help with banking, taxes, and earning a driver's license. See the website to learn more.

Call 305.573.1106 ext. 1400 or email for help.

Employment Services - Daily Bread

This group offers employment services. The help is for those experiencing homelessness. The program includes counseling from a career coach. It also provides access to a computer. After getting a job, clients are helped with budgeting and financial literacy. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Services Can Include:

  • Application follow-up
  • Assistance with resume writing and printing
  • Job search support based on skills and abilities
  • Mock interviews

Enrich Program - The Arc of Space Coast

This group offers a variety of day programs. These are for the development of life skills. The programs and services are customized to the needs of the individual. The Enrich Program is a full-day, therapeutic program. It is for individuals with significant intellectual and physical challenges. The group accepts both Medicaid waiver and private pay. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Goodwill Connects - Goodwill Central Florida

Goodwill has changed their job connection centers to a virtual format. The new program is called Goodwill Connects. It provides employment assistance services. These services are available virtually and over the phone. There is no charge to use these services. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Services Include:

  • Connection to Community Resources
  • Job Search Assistance
  • Resume Writing Support