Clothing Services

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3 services found.

2-1-1 (Information and Referral Helpline) - United Way of Suwannee Valley

This group runs 211. It is a service that connects people in need with resources and services in their community. It is available 24/7. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Resources & Services Include:

  • Clean-up crews
  • Elder services
  • Emergency financial assistance
  • Emergency shelters
  • Food distribution centers

  • Grief counseling
  • Helping locate family members
  • Potable water, ice, food, etc.
  • Shelter & federal assistance
  • Youth and child care issues

Haven Attic Resale Stores

This resale store offers gently used clothing and furniture. They also have books, toys, housewares, antiques and jewelry. Proceeds of the sales of all items go towards the support of Haven Hospice. Donations are always welcome. Please call 352.378.7484 or go to the website to learn more and see all locations.