New Mothers Services

You are searching for New Mothers Services

10 services found.

Connect - WellFlorida Council

Connect is a referral service. It helps expectant parents and families with young children. The goal is to improve birth outcomes and child development. They do this by offering a wide range of programs. Please call 352.313.6500 or go to the website to learn more.

Programs include:

  • Education and Support in Childbirth
  • Newborn Care
  • Parenting
  • Child Development
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Mental Health
  • Financial Self-sufficiency

Florida Health Columbia County - Services

Columbia County Health Department provides a range of services to the community. Some services are free, or based on a sliding scale fee. Please call or visit our website for more info.

Services include:

  • Adult Health
  • Children’s Health
  • Chronic Disease Services
  • Communicable Disease Services
  • Florida Healthy Start Program
  • Fort White Clinic
  • H1N1 Clinic Schedule
  • HIV/AIDS Services
  • Immunizations
  • Primary Care
  • School Health Coordination
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Tuberculosis (TB)
  • WIC (Women, Infant and Children)
  • Women’s Health

Healthy Start of Central & North Florida Coalitions - The MIECHV/Parents as Teachers Program

MIECHV / Parents as Teachers is free for parents with infants and young kids in stressful life situations. They teach parents and caregivers skills to help their kids be healthy and safe. As well successful in school.

Alachua and Marion counties: for kids up to age 3.
Bradford, Columbia, Hamilton, and Putnam counties: for kids up to age 5.

Please call or visit the website to learn more.

Healthy Start Program - Healthy Start of Central & North Florida Coalitions

The Healthy Start Program is a home visiting program. They help mothers through pregnancy and after the baby is born. It is free to pregnant women and infants. Healthy Start helps families with children up to age 3 who are at-risk or need help with their development. They focus on pregnancy, breastfeeding, and newborn care. Please call 877.678.WELL or go to the website to learn more.