Elderly Services

You are searching for Elderly Services

17 services found.

2-1-1 (Information and Referral Helpline) - United Way of Suwannee Valley

This group runs 211. It is a service that connects people in need with resources and services in their community. It is available 24/7. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Resources & Services Include:

  • Clean-up crews
  • Elder services
  • Emergency financial assistance
  • Emergency shelters
  • Food distribution centers

  • Grief counseling
  • Helping locate family members
  • Potable water, ice, food, etc.
  • Shelter & federal assistance
  • Youth and child care issues

Adult Protective Services - Department of Children and Families

Department of Children and Families provides Adult Protective Services. They help adults who may be at risk of being harmed or neglected. DCF also helps adults who are unable to take care of themselves. Clients may be elderly or have a disability. Please call 800.962.2873 or visit website for more information.
***To Report Adult Abuse call 800.962.2873***

Columbia County Senior Services - LifeStyle Enrichment Center

This Senior center offers a hot lunch Monday through Friday. A dietician is on hand to answer any questions about diet and nutrition. They also provide home-delivered meals to seniors who are home bound. There are a number of daily activities at the Center. These include exercise, crafts, quilting, Bible Circle, acting and more. Please see the website for more information.

Fort White Location:
18829 Hwy. 47 South
Fort White FL 32038
Hours: M-F 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Find a Ride - Safe Mobility For Life

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) runs a program called Safe Mobility for Life. One service they have is Find a Ride Florida. This service helps seniors find rides to doctors’ appointments and other places they need to go, so they can stay independent. Find a Ride Florida doesn’t give rides, but helps people find places to get a ride. Please call 386.362.5332 or visit the website to learn more.

Free Civil Legal Services - Three River Legal Services, Inc.

The law firm provides free legal help to eligible clients. Call or visit the website to learn more.

Service Areas:

  • Domestic Violence/Family Law
  • Education
  • Elder Law/Life Planning
  • Foreclosure Defense
  • Housing/Landlord Tenant
  • Hurricane/Disaster Assistance
  • Money and Debt
  • Preserving Home Ownership
  • Public Benefits
  • Record Sealing / Expungement
  • Veterans Issues

Toll Free: 866.256.8091