Sexual Health Home Testing - TakeMeHome
This program offers free testing kits. The kits are for HIV or STI testing. The kit options vary based on availability and location. Please call or visit the website for more information.
This program offers free testing kits. The kits are for HIV or STI testing. The kit options vary based on availability and location. Please call or visit the website for more information.
Children's Medical Services provides care for children with special health care needs and their families. The range of care includes medical, therapeutic and supportive services. The ages covered are birth through 21. Please call
or see website for more info.
VA offers life-long care for Veterans with spinal cord injuries and disorders. VA serves its members in a network that delivers care for each phase of life. Call or visit the website to learn more information.
The UF Health Breast Center provides compassionate care for patients and their families. The medical team is dedicated to the patient's treatment. Testing for breast cancer is an important service too. Please call or visit the website for locations and more information.