Family Assistance Services

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73 services found.

Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deaf - Blind Services-Vocational Rehabilitation

Deaf/Hard of Hearing Services makes sure that eligible persons with all types of hearing loss receive VR services. Counselors are available who use American Sign Language. VR can provide interpreting services for job interviews. There are also services for those who have both hearing and vision loss. Please call or see the website for more information.

Domestic Violence Advocacy - Florida Legal Services

This group runs the Florida Domestic Violence Hotline. It is staffed by attorneys. They offer advice on various legal issues. The services are for survivors of domestic or dating violence. As well as survivors of stalking or human trafficking. Translation and interpretation services are available free of charge. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Domestic Violence Legal Helpline: 850.385.0611
Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline: 800.500.1119 Option 3

Eating Disorder Groups- National Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness

The Alliance provides free, weekly eating disorder groups. These groups are led by a therapist. The sessions take place both virtually and in person. Help is available for all eating disorders. Please call or visit the website for more information.

List of Meeting Locations in Florida can be found here. Virtual Meetings are also available.