Gateway to Hope Ministries - Food Distribution
Currently distributing food thru drive thru service. We serve on Saturdays beginning at 8am till we run out of food generally around 11am. Call for more information.
Currently distributing food thru drive thru service. We serve on Saturdays beginning at 8am till we run out of food generally around 11am. Call for more information.
Goodwill Industries – Suncoast, Inc. provides the Ocala Superstore and Ocala Outlet Store. There they sell quality household items at low prices. Call for more information.
Ocala Superstore
2830 SW 27th Avenue
Ocala, Florida 34474
Monday through Saturday, 9AM to 9PM
Sunday, 10AM to 5:30PM
Ocala Outlet Store
2920 North Suncoast Boulevard
Crystal River, Florida 34429
Monday through Saturday, 9AM to 4PM
Closed Sunday and Monday
The Healthy Start Program is a home visiting program. They help mothers through pregnancy and after the baby is born. It is free to pregnant women and infants. Healthy Start helps families with children up to age 3 who are at-risk or need help with their development. They focus on pregnancy, breastfeeding, and newborn care. Please call 877.678.WELL or go to the website to learn more.
This group offers housing programs. These are for military families. There are four different programs. They are designed to help at every stage of their transition into civilian life. Please call or visit the website for more information.
Programs Available:
Interfaith Emergency Services provides Emergency Assistance. They help those that are in need. They will interview you to determine how they can help you. Proper identification is required for those going to Interfaith for help. Emergency funds are given to clients in need of medication and a variety of other services. The payment will be made directly to the provider. Call for more information.
There are currently two eye glass programs:
Prescription Glasses
A client that needs glasses must have an employment letter from their employer stating the need to have glasses to perform the job. Or, for Children in Marion County. When children need glasses for school, they must have a letter from their school of attendance stating the need. They must also have a parent letter, proper ID, and social security cards for both parent and child.
Reading Glasses
Reading glasses are given away at the office. They have a small reading chart to determine the strength needed for each client.
Call for more information.
Food 4 Kids is a “backpack program” for hungry children in Marion County. Guidance counselors at the schools provide each child’s name to them, including the number of siblings in the household. Volunteers pack durable, rolling backpacks full of food for each household. The volunteer delivers the backpacks directly to the school, tagged for each child. The child takes the backpack home on Friday afternoon and returns them to school on Monday morning. Then, the volunteers pick up the backpacks at the school and the process starts all over again.
Backpacks include:
Call for more information.
After completing the intake process, food is given to those in need. The amount is appropriate for their family and situation by the food pantry located in the warehouse. Interfaith uses the National Poverty Level as a guideline for those qualifying for assistance. This will determine their eligibility. Hygiene items, which are not covered by food stamps, are also given out. Those items are given to clients in the same manner as the food services. Clothes are given to those in need as well. Call for more information.
Interfaith helps those that have recently moved to the area from out of state or county. They provide funds for Marion County identification cards. These cards are essential for obtaining any type of services and employment. Call for more information.