Daily Needs Services

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82 services found.

Narcotics Anonymous Greater Orlando

This group is a nonprofit fellowship. They are people who have had to deal with addiction. They meet regularly to help each other stay clean. They are not interested in what or how much you used, but only in what you want to do about your problem.

Please call 407.425.5157 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.

24 Hour Hotline: 407.425.5157
Florida Relay for the Deaf: 800.955.8771

O.U.R. Mission Family Home

This group runs a Family Home. It is a long-term transitional shelter. It is for single mothers, single fathers, and intact families who are dealing with homelessness. They serve 3 meals a day. Guests stay free of charge while they work on becoming stable and self-sufficient.

Please call 407.422.4855 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.

Orange County 311

Orange County 311 is a phone and web-based service. It gives information about local government services. You can report a pothole or get help finding a lost pet. You can get referrals or information about the department you need.

Please call 407.836.3111 or 311, or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.

Departments include:

  • Animal Services
  • Code Enforcement
  • Roads & Drainage
  • Traffic Engineering
  • Zoning

PACE Day Program - Pace Center for Girls, Inc.

This group offers a day program. The program is year-round. Teachers help middle and high school students with education. Counselors help with support, life skills training, and career preparation. They offer help at home, as well as at schools and within the local community. The services are tailored for each girl. This program is free. Please call or visit the website for locations and more information.

Parent Academy - Central Florida Diaper Bank

This group has the Parent Academy program. They meet on Zoom every week. They give educational information. That is about topics that impact parents and their children.

Please call 407.656.7055 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.

Topics Include:

  • Prenatal
  • Post Partum
  • Breast Feeding
  • Safe Sleep
  • Financial Literacy
  • Children's Story Hour
  • English as a Second Language
  • Mental Health Awareness