Healthcare Services

You are searching for Healthcare Services

62 services found.

Health Care Center for the Homeless - Primary Medical Care

Health Care Center for the Homeless provides Primary Medical Care. Homeless are able to receive care for chronic illnesses, and other medical health screenings. They also offer a Mammography Program. This will provide free screening mammograms for female patients who are over the age for forty and have had a hard time getting this service. Call for more information.

Hospice Care - Hospice of the Comforter

Hospice of the Comforter provides nursing care to those with end-of-life issues. They are provided at home, hospital or nursing care facility. Each patient has an individualized care plan.

Services include:

  • 24/7 Medical staff
  • Medical equipment, supplies and medication to patient's home
  • Pain management
  • Respite care for caregivers
  • Spiritual support by chaplains
  • Training and support for caregiver