Family Assistance Services

You are searching for Family Assistance Services

137 services found.

Mid-Florida Community Services (LIHEAP) - Pasco

LIHEAP helps those in need with their power bills. It is a one-time payment that is made directly to the power company. Households interested in applying should contact the Mid Florida Community Services office in their county for an appointment.

There are also funds for Crisis Energy Assistance. It helps households that have received a final notice or disconnection of services.

Please see the website for all services. Click on Our Programs/Energy Assistance.

Nassau County Summer Camp - Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches

FSYR offers a summer camp for youth ages 10-15. Kids can take part in many fun activities such as canoeing, archery and swimming. They have the chance to build teamwork and peer communication skills. They can also enjoy the tranquil outdoors. Campers will have the chance to interact with law enforcement personnel and volunteers and learn other social skills. Please see the website for more information.

National Eating Disorders Association - Help and Support

NEDA can help anyone who is struggling with an eating disorder. They have a confidential Helpline. They have a database with support groups and treatment options. There is a toolkit for parents full of useful information. The Loss Support Network can help those who have lost a loved one to an eating disorder. NEDA can help with insurance issues and information.

Please see the website for all services. Click on "Find Help & Support".

Helpline: 1.800.931.2237

National Family Caregiver Support Program-ACL

This agency gives help to persons sixty or older. The goal of this program is to ease the emotional, physical, and financial hardships of continual care.

Material resources
Assistance in gaining access to services
Individual counseling
Support groups and caregiver training
Respite care
Supplemental services, including housing improvement, chore, provision of medical supplies and services
Legal assistance for caregivers, grandparents or older individuals who are caregivers for relatives.

There is no charge for services.
Please see the website for details.

Senior Helpline: 1.800.963.5337
Outside Pasco/Pinellas counties – 727.217.8111
National Eldercare Locator: 1.800.677.1116

National Runaway Safeline - Help & Hotline

This agency has a toll-free hotline for runaways or for any teen thinking about running away from home. It serves youth 12-20 with referrals and advice. They can set up a conference call between you and your parents. Both youth and parents can leave messages back and forth. Teens can get a free bus ticket home through Greyhound's "Home Free Program".

Please see the website for all services.

Hours of operation: 24 hours, 7 days a week

24-Hour Hotline: 1.800.786.2929 (1.800.RUNAWAY)