Medical Services

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32 services found.

Access Florida - Florida Department of Children and Families

Access Florida has the Food Stamp Program(EBT) that helps people with low income to buy healthy food. The application can be done online. Please see the website for your local service center. The application is also used for Temporary Cash Assistance, Medicaid, and all other Department of Children and Families services.

Deaf/Hearing Impaired:
Florida Relay 711 or
TTY: 1.800.955.8771

Health Services -Chapters Health System Home Health (Pasco County)

This agency offers a full range of home health services. This includes skilled nursing, home health aides, physical therapists, speech therapists and medical social workers. They are available 24 hours a day. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Toll Free: 1.800.486.8733

East Pasco County:
37445 Clinton Avenue
Dade City FL 33525

Children's Assistance Program -Chapters Health System (Pasco County)

Chapters Health System - Children's Assistance Program (Pasco County) offers counseling for grieving children in first grade through age 18. It holds an annual summer day camp and spring weekend camp for bereaved youth. There are activities such as art therapy, team building and a memorial service.

East Pasco County:
37445 Clinton Avenue
Dade City FL 33525

Epidemiology PCHD- Pasco County

This department deals with information on reportable communicable diseases. They deal with rabies, lead, bio-medical waste, and blood-borne pathogens. They provide rabies vaccines. They investigate food poisoning. They teach sexually transmitted disease (STD) and HIV/AIDS prevention. They offer AIDS patient care and case management. They have HIV testing and counseling.

Please see the website for all services.

Florida KidCare-HealthyKids

The state offers health insurance for children. From birth through age 18. It is free to apply. Enrollment is year-round. Each child is matched with the best fit of four Florida KidCare programs. Cost options include free, subsidized, and full-pay. These options are based on family income. And size of the household. Please call or visit the website for more information.