Jobs Services

You are searching for Jobs Services

22 services found.

Youth Transition Services- Service Source - Pasco

This agency has two employment services for disabled youth. One is Successful Transitions. It helps youth ages 14-22. It provides them with access to local resources that increase their quality of life. They can get help with job searches and gain independence and self-sufficiency.

The other program is High School/High Tech (HS/HT). It gives high school students the chance to explore jobs and further their education. The emphasis is on high tech careers. Students get firsthand knowledge by way of site visits, workshops and paid summer internships.

Career Source - Jobs - Pasco and Hernando

This agency provides a full range of services to people seeking employment. They can assist employers who need help finding workers.

Please see the website for all services.

Career Central Locations:
New Port Richey
4440 Grand Boulevard
New Port Richey FL 34652

Spring Hill
7361 Forest Oaks Blvd.
Spring Hill FL 34606

6038 Gall Blvd.
Zephyrhills FL 33542

Mobile One Stop
Stanley Park
38724 Cummer Road
Lacoochee FL 33537

Florida Dept. of Education Vocational Rehabilitation - Pasco County

This is an employment program that helps those with disabilities. It helps those with significant disabilities find meaningful careers. They provide job coaching and placement. They have career counseling and guidance. They have a program for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Please see the website under Services to Individuals with Disabilities.

East Pasco Location:
6038 Gall Blvd.
Zephyrhills FL 33542

Vocational Rehab Customer Hotline: 1.866.515.3692

Job Search – Employ Florida Marketplace - Pasco

Employ Florida Marketplace connects job seekers and employers. It has links to job training and education. Contact for more information or see website.

For Job Seekers

  • Create a resume
  • Research career and wage information
  • Find training programs
  • Conduct and save job searches
  • Receive automatic job notifications
  • Connect to local workforce experts

For Businesses

  • Post and manage job openings
  • Search candidates by skills, experience or region
  • Research labor market information
  • Learn about training grant opportunities
  • Connect to local workforce experts

Additional Location
4440 Grand Blvd
New Port Richey, FL 34652
Phone: 727.484.3400

Job Search - Connections Job Development Corporation

This agency has services for job seekers. You can register for the job search technique class. Orientation is offered every Monday at 10:00 a.m.

You can get career counseling, help with your resume’ and job leads. You can meet with a Job Advisor. You can take computer classes during office hours. You will have access to a copier, fax and email.

Please see the website for all services.