Daily Needs Services

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62 services found.

St. Timothy Lutheran Church - The Tabitha Project

This ministry reaches out to people in surrounding communities. Volunteers help with projects around the house, providing a ride to the doctor or picking up groceries. They can also help children with tutoring or sports training. Please call for more information.

Services Include:

  • Big Brother/Big Sister program
  • Caretaker relief
  • Grocery shopping
  • Home repairs
  • House cleaning and chores
  • House painting
  • Repairing or replacement of appliances
  • Transportation to doctor's appointments
  • Yard work

St. Vincent de Paul - Thrift Store

This Thrift Store has household goods, clothing, furniture and other items for free to those in need. This is done through their voucher system. Shoppers can find just about anything at at bargain prices. Proceeds from the sales of all items go toward funding the Society's many programs. Please see the website for more information.

Items at the Thrift Store include:

  • Books, magazines, music cassettes and albums
  • Clothing for the whole family
  • Coats, boots, and shoes
  • Computers, monitors, keyboards
  • Craft supplies
  • Dishes, utensils, knick-knacks, glassware
  • Jewelry
  • Small appliances, toys, collectibles, and linen
  • Used and re-upholstered furniture

Support Services - Center for Autism and Related Disabilities

CARD helps by sharing lists of resources. This list is personalized to the client’s area and insurance. Consultations can be done over the phone, over email, or video chat. They can also meet in the community or in your home. This group works with people of all ages. All services provided are short term.

Please call or check their website for locations and to learn more.

Toll Free: 800.333.4530

SVDP Ozanam Outreach - Food Baskets

Ozanam Outreach helps those in dire need. They serve those living in the downtown St. Petersburg area. One of the services they provide is help with food by offering food baskets. Vouchers are issued at the district office. Baskets can then be picked up at the Food Center across the street. Families can get help once every six weeks. Please call for times.

Tarpon Springs Shepherd Center - Find Food

This Center works with other churches and agencies to provide daily hot meals in the northern Pinellas area.
Days, Hours & Locations:
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral
17 E. Tarpon Avenue, Tarpon Springs
Monday - 10:00am to noon

Mt. Hermon Missionary Baptist Church
400 S. Levis Avenue, Tarpon Springs
Tuesday - 10:00am to noon

Housing Community Building
305 Ring Street, Tarpon Springs
Wednesday - 10:00am to noon

St. Timothy Lutheran Church
813 E. Tarpon Avenue, Tarpon Springs
Thursday - 10:00am - noon

Mt. Moriah Church
722 S. Disston Avenue, Tarpon Springs
Friday - 10:00am - noon

Mt. Hermon Missionary Baptist Church
400 S. Levis Avenue, Tarpon Springs
Saturday - 10:00am - noon

Housing Community Building
305 Ring Street, Tarpon Springs