Daily Needs Services

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28 services found.

Free Phones for Hearing/Speech Impaired-Florida Telecommunications Relay Service (FTRI)

FTRI provides specialized telephone equipment and ring signaling devices. The equipment is loaned to qualified, permanent Florida residents for as long as needed. These devices are loaned at no charge. Please call or visit the website for locations and more information.

Voice: 800.222.3448
TTY: 888.447.5620
VP: 850.270.2641

Nutrition/Meals on Wheels - Elder Care Services, Inc.

This agency has several nutrition services programs. These programs provide a hot, nutritious meal for seniors. This meal meets 1/3 of the recommended daily nutritional requirements. The meals on wheel program is volunteer driven. It is for home-bound seniors. There is no cost to the senior. Meals are delivered Monday through Friday. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Services Include: