Children Services

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34 services found.

Interface Youth Program - CDS Family & Behavioral Health Services

This agency runs the Interface Youth Program. It offers children 10-17 short-term housing. The program also provides food, clothing, and a variety of personal support. The children are expected to attend school while in the program. If they do not then they are required to take part in a life skills program. There is no charge for the services. There are qualifications to participate in the program. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Program Includes:

Abuse Hotline - Florida Department of Children and Families

The Florida Abuse Hotline accepts reports 24 hours a day. Anyone who suspects that a child or vulnerable adult is abused or neglected needs to make a report. You can report online, by phone or by fax.

Abuse Hotline: 800.962.2873
Florida Relay Services: dial 711 or TTY: 800.955.8771

Si usted habla español y desea divulgar abuso, llame por favor el teléfono directo en 800-962-2873 para hablar con un consejero de habla hispana.

Brehon House

Brehon House is a safe house in Tallahassee. It is for homeless, pregnant women and their infants. It is free. They provide support for women and their babies who are up to three years old. Please call 850.656.7110 extension 2 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.