Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings - Intergroup5.Org
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings
Daily listing of times and locations for cities of:
- Crawfordville
- Medart
- Panacea
- Wakulla Station
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings
Daily listing of times and locations for cities of:
This support group is for people dealing with problems related to alcoholism. There are also meetings for those who have substance abuse issues. Please call or see the
website for a meeting place in your area.
The Apalachee Center helps people and families of North Florida. They help people recover from emotional and substance abuse crises.
Please call or visit the website for more info.
Their services include:
Brehon House is a safe house in Tallahassee. It is for homeless, pregnant women and their infants. It is free. They provide support for women and their babies who are up to three years old. Please call 850.656.7110 extension 2 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.
This group provides a range of services that help with Alzheimer’s and other memory diseases. The main goal of the group is to help caregivers keep a healthy quality of life. All services are for free. Please call 850.386.2778 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.
Services Include:
The NIA offers information and resources on aging. They help others learn to be caregivers. This is for a friend or family member with a serious health condition. Please call or visit website to learn more
Toll Free: 800.222.2225
Child Find helps find young children who might qualify for help under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). Please call or check the website to learn more.
Child Find provides:
Diagnostic screening
Placement coordination
Support to parents
This food bank offers several programs that help feed children. They also help to distribute food with partner agencies in the area. Please call 850.562.3033 or visit the website to learn more information.
Programs Available:
This program offers child protection services. They can also work with other agencies to meet your needs. Please call or visit the website for locations and for more information.
Services Include:
Florida Department of Children and Families provides Child Welfare Services. These services are for children and families in need. Please call or visit the website for more information.
Services Include: