SV4Cs is in charge of the Head Start program. This program is a bridge between families and their community. It is designed to serve children ages 3 to 5. The 10-month program closely follows local school calendars. Head Start provides comprehensive early childhood education and parent involvement services. As well as health and nutrition services. Please call or visit the website for more information.
843 Marymac St SW
Live Oak, FL 32064
United States

Suwannee Valley Community Coordinated Child Care is called SV4Cs for short. The role of SV4Cs is to provide an environment that is safe, healthy, and nurturing for children and their families. This kind of environment lets each child develop at their own pace. The group aims to empower parents and provide them with continued support. Please call or visit the website for more information.
236 SW Columbia Ave
Lake City, FL 32025
United States