Prescription Services

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11 services found.

Alachua County Health Department - Clinical and Nutrition Services

The Alachua County Health Department offers the following Primary Care Medical Services:

  • Health screening
  • Immunizations
  • Laboratory services
  • Medical follow-up
  • Physical examination
  • Referral to specialists
  • Some prescription medicines
  • Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases
  • Well and sick care
  • X-ray referrals

Eligibility is based upon available resources. They accept new Primary Care patients regardless of income, insurance status, or Medicaid status. Fees are applied on a sliding scale. Call for more information.

Direct Aid Program - National Kidney Foundation of Florida, Inc.

This group has a direct aid program. It is meant to help patients who need financial assistance. There are eligibility requirements that must be met for a patient to qualify. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Toll Free: 800.927.9659

Grant Assistance includes:

  • Food Grants
  • Medication Grant Program
  • Transportation Grant Program
  • One-Time Emergency Grant Program

Hawthorne Patient Assistance Fund - National Kidney Foundation of Florida, Inc.

The NFK offers the Hawthorne Patient Assistance Fund. It offers short-term financial help. Help is for qualified kidney transplant recipients. And is to help meet the cost of kidney transplant related medications. While the patient looks for other long-term solutions. The money is paid directly to the pharmacy of the patient’s choice. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Toll Free: 800.927.9659

Medicare - Social Security Administration

Medicare is a health insurance program. It is for people 65 or older. Certain people under the age of 65 may be eligible. They must meet certain eligibility requirements. This program helps with the cost of health care. It does not cover all medical expenses. Or the cost of long-term care. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Go HERE to locate the Social Security office nearest you.

RAHMA Mercy Clinic

The RAHMA Mercy Clinic helps those who cannot afford insurance and are not eligible for public assistance. The main focus is primary and preventative health care. Other services may be available. Please call or visit our website for more info.

Services include:

  • Appropriate Social Services Referrals including ACCESS
  • Discounted Lab Services
  • General Pediatrics (limited basis)
  • Routine Adult Medical Care
  • Specialty Care and Diagnostic Studies through the We Care Network

RareCare - National Organization of Rare Disorders

NORD offers RareCare. It is a collection of assistance programs for people living with rare diseases. Please call or visit the website to learn more.

Toll Free: 800.999.6673

Types of Assistance Available:

  • Medication Assistance
  • Financial Assistance with Insurance Premiums & Copays
  • Diagnostic Testing Assistance
  • Travel Assistance for Clinical Trials
  • Travel Assistance for Consultations with Disease Specialists