Daily Needs Services

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889 services found.

Friendship Home Delivered Meals - Senior Friendship Centers

Friendship Home Delivered Meals are delivered to people who are 60 or older once a week. They can bring up to 7 frozen meals at a time. They are well-balanced meals that are prepared fresh and quickly frozen to assure that they are fresh when heated. It is a great way for long-distance care providers to be sure their loved ones are receiving healthy, nutritious meals. Please call the Area Agency on Aging at 1.866.413.5337 to see if you are eligible for these meals.

FTRI Free Phone Program - Sally J. Pimentel Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center offers equipment on long-term loan with Florida residents. Residents must be hard of hearing, deaf, deaf/blind, or speech challenged. The equipment is offered at no charge to the consumer.

Equipment offered include:

  • TTY's
  • Volume/Tone Control Phones
  • Volume/Visual Phone Signalers

Please call for visit website for more information.

GCM - Clothing

GCM provides clothing to families who have lost everything due to a fire or other disaster. They also provide clothing for those who cannot afford to buy it due to a financial crisis. Clothing is provided every 3 months as needed for those in the program. Please call for more information.
You must call first for an appointment on Thursday at 9:00am.

GCM - Food Pantry

Gainesville Community Ministry provides emergency food. This service is for the elderly, the disabled, and the working poor with families. It is offered during times when food is otherwise unavailable due to limited income. A 2 day supply is given to each member of the household every 30 days. You must apply in person. Monday through Thursday, 9AM to 2:30PM. A picture ID and Social Security Card, or Social Security print-out is required. You must show proof of need. Call for more information.