Family Assistance Services

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1194 services found.

Children's Services - Camelot Community Care

This group offers support services for children and families. It provides child advocacy. It also provides mental health services. The help builds resiliency so that clients can achieve stability, safety, and well-being. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Programs & Services:

  • Adoption Program
  • Child Welfare Case Management
  • Comprehensive Behavioral Health Assessment
  • In-Home Counseling
  • Treatment Foster Care

Children's Services - Hubbard House

Children who live with violence are impacted by that violence--whether they were physically abused or not. HH helps them understand that violence is not their fault. They help children know what they can do should they be in danger and help them understand and express their feelings. Children learn nonviolent conflict resolution skills so the violence will not be repeated in the next generation. Please see the website for more information.

Children's Services Include:

  • Children's Counseling Program
  • Emergency Shelter Children's Programs
  • Helping at Risk Kids (HARK)
  • Hubbard House School
  • Therapeutic Childecare Center

Children's Services - Peace River Center

Peace River Center offers behavioral health services for children ages 2 - 19. To qualify a child must have Medicaid and a mental health diagnosis or a suspected diagnosis. They work with both the child and the family to help provide the best support for each child. You will need a referral. Please call or visit the website to learn more.

24-hour Emotional Support & Crisis Line: 863.519.3744

Services Available: