Family Assistance Services

You are searching for Family Assistance Services

1189 services found.

Victim Funds - MADD

This group offers victim advocates. They can help the family apply for Crime Victim Compensation. It is a government program. That is offered in every state. Eligibility conditions may vary. Please call or visit the website for locations and more information.

Also visit Here for even more information

24-Hour Victim Helpline: 877.623.3435

The Program may Help you get Compensation for:

Victim Impact Panels (VIP) - MADD

This is an awareness program for offenders convicted of misdemeanor DUI. It consists of a panel of crime victims speaking about how impaired drivers forever changed their lives. The panel presents a unique story to the offender that is often overlooked or cannot be taught by the courts. If you have been court ordered to attend a VIP meeting, please call to find out times and dates.

Virtual STAR Connections - STARability Foundation

This group supports and empowers individuals with disabilities. They offer a variety of activities and programs. These help people connect and engage with the community. Some of the programs have fees. There is also a virtual option available for some programs. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Offerings Include:

  • Classes
  • Sports Leagues
  • Virtual Engagement
  • Workshops