HCA Florida Fort Walton-Destin Hospital
HCA Florida Healthcare can help you find healthcare. They can connect you to specialty care and nurse consultation. Please call 850.862.1111 or visit website for more information.
HCA Florida Healthcare can help you find healthcare. They can connect you to specialty care and nurse consultation. Please call 850.862.1111 or visit website for more information.
This group offers health and fitness programs for athletes who have intellectual disabilities. They help to make sure their health needs are being met. Please call or visit the website to learn more.
Programs Include:
Chapman Partnership provides health, dental and mental health care. They give immediate health care help, as well as acute health problems and chronic conditions. Please call or visit website for more information.
The clinic provides hope and free healthcare for the uninsured. They see those who have no other resources for their healthcare needs. Please see the website for eligibility guidelines. Call for more information.
Monday 8:30am - 1pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 8pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 1pm
Thursday 8:30am - 8pm
Friday 8:30am - 1pm
Saturday & Sunday CLOSED
Patient Services Available:
Lakeland Volunteers in Medicine provides free health and medical care to low-income and uninsured.
Services include:
These services are offered to Polk County residents. Please call or visit website for more information.
Okaloosa County Health Department offers health and medical services. They offer these services to those within the community. They work to promote health and prevent disease. Maternity services are also available. Please call 850.833.9240 or visit website for more information.
Health Care Center for the Homeless provides Oral Health Care.
Call for more information.
Health Care Center for the Homeless provides Primary Medical Care. Homeless are able to receive care for chronic illnesses, and other medical health screenings. They also offer a Mammography Program. This will provide free screening mammograms for female patients who are over the age for forty and have had a hard time getting this service. Call for more information.
Health Care Center for the Homeless provides a Rapid HIV Testing Program. It is open to anyone from anywhere. Call for more information.
Health Care Center for the Homeless provides the TB Shelter. It is a residential shelter for homeless individuals suffering from infectious tuberculosis. Primary medical, dental, and behavioral health services are provided. Food is also supplied. Call for more information.