Dental Services

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4 services found.

Florida KidCare-HealthyKids

The state offers health insurance for children. From birth through age 18. It is free to apply. Enrollment is year-round. Each child is matched with the best fit of four Florida KidCare programs. Cost options include free, subsidized, and full-pay. These options are based on family income. And size of the household. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Medical and Dental - Turning Points

This group gives free basic and healthcare to people in Manatee County who don’t have insurance. Patients can see a dentist at the Turning Points Dental Clinic for most of their dental needs if they live in the area and meet the income rules. The Dental Clinic has volunteer dentists, helpers, and hygienists working every weekday to make sure people can get the dental care they need. Visit the website to learn more.