Family Assistance Services

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137 services found.

AAA - Senior Victim Advocate Program - Pasco

This agency serves elderly victims of crime. It is for those who are not receiving services from any other victim aid program. It helps victims of fraud, robbery, assault, domestic abuse and more.

Victim advocate
Supportive counseling
Court room orientation
Court escort services.
Seniors can get transportation related to the case, help with completion of paperwork and help with the victim compensation application. Seniors can get emergency legal advocacy. It is for anyone age 60 or over. This office serves Pasco and Pinellas counties.

Please see the website for all services.
Please see the website for all services.

Important numbers:
Victim Advocate – 1.800.963.5337
Outside Pasco/Pinellas areas: 727.217.8111

AAA - SHINE - Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Elders

SHINE is a free health insurance counseling program. Trained volunteers offer advice on Medicare, Medicaid, long term insurance, prescription assistance, and HMO's. Volunteers focus on consumer rights and protection. There are counseling offices throughout Pasco and Pinellas counties.

SHINE has its own website.

Important numbers:
Senior Helpline – 1.800.963.5337
Outside Pasco/Pinellas area – 727.217.8111

Please see the website for more details.

Abuse Hotline - Florida Department of Children and Families

The Florida Abuse Hotline accepts reports 24 hours a day. Anyone who suspects that a child or vulnerable adult is abused or neglected needs to make a report. You can report online, by phone or by fax.

Abuse Hotline: 800.962.2873
Florida Relay Services: dial 711 or TTY: 800.955.8771

Si usted habla español y desea divulgar abuso, llame por favor el teléfono directo en 800-962-2873 para hablar con un consejero de habla hispana.

Adult Case Management-Operation PAR

This agency is for families whose children are at risk. They may be removed from the home or have already been removed due to parental substance abuse. It also targets substance abusing pregnant women or mothers and individuals who frequently use Operation Par services. Services are also provided to males who have custody of their children and are at risk for losing custody due to their substance abuse. Clients receive assessments, case management, referrals, group counseling, urine drug screening and substance abuse education. They receive health screenings. They can get TB and HIV testing. They can receive parenting education. They can get substance abuse education.

Please see the website for more details.

Aid to Military Families and Veterans-National Resource Directory.GOV

This website has many resources for active military, veterans and their families. They can find agencies that will help them with housing, medical care, jobs and more. Please see the website for all services.

Important Numbers:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 800.273.8255 or 988
National Call Center for Homeless Veterans - 877.424.3838
VA Caregiver Support Line - 855.260.3274
Wounded Warrior Resource Center - 888.997.2586

ALS - Care Assist Program

This agency provides a full range of services to people with ALS. Newly diagnosed clients can go to the website to register and find support groups. They can get temporary loaner medical equipment at no cost. The Care Assist Program helps families get discounts for nondurable medical equipment. They can also get grants for home and van modificatons.